2023 Youth Service Trip
Cass Lake, Minnesota
Registration Closed

About Cass Lake, MN
Cass Lake is a small town located within the boundaries of the Leech Lake Reservation. Cass Lake borders the Chippewa National Forest located in the heart of northern Minnesota.
Cass Lake on Leech Lake Reservation in north-central Minnesota is home to the Leech Lake band of Ojibwe. The town of Cass Lake is an interesting mixture of cultures. On one hand, it is the tribal headquarters for the Leech Lake band of Ojibwe while at the same time has a high influx
of summer tourists retreating to cabins and resorts on the beautiful, nearby lakes. For this reason, a lot of non-Native people live in the town of Cass Lake producing a segregated feel between
the white and Native communities.
To bridge this gap of division, YouthWorks strives to introduce participants to the Ojibwe culture and lifestyle. Kids Club provides a safe, fun and constructive outlet for local community children throughout the summer. Work projects allow students to build relationships with community members while helping with projects around their homes. Throughout the week, youth learn about the history of Native America and begin conversations regarding poverty, as well as the present and historical realities of life for Native people in the United States.
Through painting, cleaning, helping with yard work or doing other simple work projects.
Children's programming, including Bible lessons, games, crafts and reading activities.
What We Will Do
Because of the relational nature of these projects, students will remain
at the same service sites through the week.

Important Dates
Wednesday, January 25, 6:30-7:30 PM in Fellowship Hall (This is a mandatory meeting for everyone attending (Adult Mentors, Parents & Youth must attend). At this meeting all final details and travel plans will be shared. There will also be an opportunity to sign up for fundraising.
Wednesday, March 8, 15 and 22, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Mission Prep Sessions. These are required unless other arrangements are made. We will focus on teamwork, skills, and spiritual preparation for our experience.
Every year we have a variety of fundraising efforts to defray the cost of the mission trip. A key to our success will be the participation in the spring youth “Stock Sales” that our church has so generously supported in the past. Fundraising proceeds are evenly split between those students who participate in fundraising. The final trip cost will be determined after our spring fundraising is finished. Our financial goal for this trip for those who participate in both fundraisers, is to be under $500. We cannot give a final cost until May, once all fundraising is finished.
Eligibility and Registration
All incoming ninth graders through graduating seniors in 2023 are eligible to travel with us. We will also be accepting applications for a limited number of young adult mentors and adult mentors (see forms below). Join us for this life-changing opportunity! To complete your reservation, please return the permission and expectations forms below along with a $250 non-refundable deposit (payable to First Congregational Church with HS Youth Mission/student’s name in Memo line) to the church office. First come, first serve for 35 total people.
Young adult and parent mentor applications
Responsibilities for each of these mentor roles are outlined on the respective application forms. The Youth Mission Team will review all applications as they arrive and notify you when any decision has been made.
Stay Up to Date
Sign up for the High School Newsletter to get updates on the 2023 youth mission trip as well as all high school ministry happenings.
Get Involved
Consider volunteering for our fundraising efforts.
Join us for the Youth Mission Commissioning on May 14.
Become a “Stockholder” by purchasing “stock” during our sales on March 12, 19 and 26 . Proceeds directly go to offset trip costs.
Pray for us!
High School Youth Mission Trip Forms
For Youth
HS Mission Trip 2023 Expectations
HS Mission Trip 2023 Permission and Emergency Consent
For Adult and Young Adult Mentors
HS Mission Trip 2023 Expectations
Adult Health Information Form
Volunteer Application and Background Check
Authorization General Conduct Agreement and Medical Insurance Waiver (Adults)