Adult Volunteers
Are you interested in working with youth? Browse the opportunities below.
You can also print out and complete our general CYF Volunteer form and SafeConduct Background Check and return it to Zaina Gonzales at zgonzales@uccappleton.org. Copies are available in the wall pocket outside the CYF office.
Church School (Kindergarten-5th grade) teachers typically commit to five-week units during which they present a lesson to a specific age group each week. This enables teachers to build lasting relationships with the children. Through our workshop rotation system, children learn the same Bible story in many different ways. Children are excited by the variety and creativity in this approach and are eager to participate in the lessons each week. All materials and supplies are ready when you get to church so that you can focus on the lesson and the children!
This group is dedicated to developing a vision for our children’s ministry program and acts as
a sounding board for the Director for Children’s Ministries. The team meets about once a month during the program year to shape curriculum, develop volunteer roles in the ministry and plan events.
If you want to help make a difference in the faith journey of our children, this team is for you.
Confirmands request an adult to serve as their mentor during the year-long program of Confirmation class. Confirmand/Mentor teams work in pairs, allowing for some flexibility with your schedule. Mentoring is a wonderful opportunity to guide a fellow Christian through a year-long journey of faith formation. Meeting times are on Sunday, after service and Mentors participate in the laying on of hands on Confirmation Sunday, which takes place in September after the year of study is completed.
Although mentors serve by confirmand's need, we would love to hear of your interest in taking on this role.
Adult leaders are needed for fellowship and discussion groups for both Middle School and High School groups. The groups meet on Wednesdays evenings from 6:30-7:30 PM.
This committed team supports the High School youth ministry primarily through specific roles such
as Mission Trip Coordinator, Confirmation Coordinator, and Homeless Connections Coordinator.
Team members also collaborate with the Pastor for Youth and Family Ministries to shape the direction and mission of our youth ministries, and maintain the vibrancy of our programs.
From time to time we assemble teams to enact a special project on behalf of our hundreds of active children and youth. Teams form to work on Service Trips. Other teams assist with Youth Sunday, youth-hosted fellowship events, mission work and more.
First Congregational takes the cultivation of a loving and safe environment for all of its members seriously. Our SafeConduct Policy protects the safety of everyone who participates in ministries
for children, youth and vulnerable adults. The Code of Conduct section within this policy is required reading for anyone applying to volunteer in these ministries.
If you are interested in volunteering with children, youth or vulnerable adults, we invite you to apply
in advance so that you have the flexibility to jump in whenever an opportunity comes your way.