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2023 Women's Spring Retreat


Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Friday April 21 - Sunday April 23

Our 2023 Women's Spring Retreat will be at Moon Beach Camp near St. Germain, Friday, April 21– Sunday, April 23. Julie Garber will be our retreat leader. She led our fall 2022 retreat and participants enjoyed her. She is a licensed UCC pastor and a Spiritual Director/Retreat Leader and Registered Nurse as well as a Certified Yoga, Group Exercise and Personal Training Instructor. She is on the board of UCCI, which is Wisconsin UCC’s camps.

Julie says, “My present vocation (and my passion) as a Spiritual Director is to help people “Open their Hearts to God”, through individual and group spiritual direction sessions and in retreat settings. I believe we are created in God’s image to be God’s image. Living out that journey is our call.”

The retreat will be centered on Exploring what connects us and sustains us in creation, our relationships, and our faith.

It will be guided by the wisdom of Diana Butler Bass in her book Grounded. You are NOT required to read the book, Pastor Mary Jo has 10 used copies of the book available for $4. (This book was on the 2020-2021 Wine & Word reading list, but I do not remember reading it.)

NEW WAY TO REGISTER Please register and pay in the Realm Event Womens Spring Retreat April 21-23.

The cost is $170. You may also send a $170 check to the church office and they will register you. Scholarship funds are available – contact Pastor Mary Jo or Barb Uehling. Registration closes April 1. Please register early!

Please join us in April! It is “good for your soul” and a great way to meet more FCC women.

Contact Barbara Uehling with any questions via email or phone 920-475-2212.

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