Representative: Julie Gamm
The community garden project provides fresh produce for the St. Joe’s Food Pantry. During the 2019 Plant-A-Row Season, 1,900 pounds of produce were grown and delivered to St. Joe’s Food Pantry. Produce that was grown included herbs, kale, carrots, peppers, cabbage, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant and zucchini. The produce numbers were low due to the new garden location and heavy rain fall. In past years, the produce numbers were around 4,000 pounds. The garden was relocated from Dave and Cindy Cook’s property to behind St. Joe’s Food Pantry off Midway Road in Menasha, WI. An 80 foot by 200 foot prairie land was converted to the new church garden. A new shed was constructed by Lyle Van De Hey and all garden tools and tomato cages were moved. Bennett Vanderloop constructed a fence in late August as part of his Eagle Scout service project.
Plant-A-Row garden project was founded by Dr. Jack Harris, who was committed to providing fresh, nutritious food to people in the community who are struggling. Volunteers are needed to grow seedlings, plant, weed, harvest and deliver produce. The volunteer commitment is needed on a weekly basis for one to two hours.